RCP Medicine Podcast
The RCP Medicine podcast is a discussion of different topics relevant to physicians. Episodes discuss and explore different topics including real-life clinical cases, new evidence-based guidelines and specific physician issues in the modern healthcare environment. The views expressed in this podcast are those of the presenters and not necessarily the RCP.
RCP Medicine Podcast
Episode 59: Stress and Storm? Managing Healthcare in Adolescence and Transition
In this episode Dr Rohana Wright, consultant in diabetes and endocrinology, and Dr Rory Conn, consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist, explore adolescent healthcare and the importance of positive interactions during this period of life. To learn more you can visit the RCP Young Adults and Adolescents Steering Group (YAASG) webpage.
Rohana and Rory mention several resources during this podcast, you can access them here:
- Adolescent Health Programme: www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/adolescent-health/
- Developmentally Appropriate Healthcare toolkit: www.northumbria.nhs.uk/about-us/quality-and-safety/research-and-clinical-trials/developmentally-appropriate-healthcare-toolkit#0b742aa3
- NICE Guidance on Transition from children's to adult services: www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng43
- You're Welcome (DoH): www.gov.uk/government/publications/quality-criteria-for-young-people-friendly-health-services
- Ready Steady Go: www.readysteadygo.net/home.html
- HEEADSSS: www.uptodate.com/contents/image/print?imageKey=PEDS%2F68041
Music credit: Bensound.com